Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Parole-evidence rule
The principle that oral evidence related to matters not contained in a written contract or other instrument is not admissible.
Parochial school
A school operated and controlled by a particular religious denomination. A church-related private school, generally a school affiliated with the Roman Catholic church but also sometimes referring to schools of other religious denominations, such as Baptist, Quaker, Methodist, or Jewish schools.
Parkinsonian symptoms
The side effects of the phenothiazines that mimic Parkinson’s disease, e.g., reduced fine motor control, muscles tremors, blurred vision, and dry mouth.
Parietal pleura
That portion of the pleura lining the inside of the walls of the thoracic cavity. A membrane attached to the diaphragm and coyering the chest cavity. One of the two pleural membranes lining the thoracic cavity.
Parietal area
The wall of any cavity.
Pertaining to psychotic disorders that are characterized by behaviors that are odd or incompetent.
Parent teachers association (PTA)
A national organization composed of parents and teachers that advocates for children and public education.
Parenting styles
Ways of interacting with children by their parents are measured in the degree of parental control exerted, nurturance, discipline techniques, etc.
Parent effectiveness training (PEI)
A form of parent education centered around the parent engaging in passive and active listening, acknowledgment, and communication openings with the child.
Parental image
The characteristics of a potential mate that remind a person of traits possessed by his or her parent of the opposite sex.
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