Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Passive euthanasia
Indirect euthanasia.
Passive dependency reaction
A form of passive-aggressive personality.
Passive congenial marriage
A marriage that primarily supports the outside interests of the partners.
Passive-aggressive personality
A person who possesses a deep dependency, usually accompanied by deep resentment. There are three forms: (a) passive dependency with helplessness, indecisiveness, and a need to cling to others; (b) passive aggressiveness with an expression of aggression through outing, stubbornness, procrastination, and passive obstructionism; and (c) active aggressiveness with irritability, tantrums, and destructiveness.
Passionate love
Strong attachment and physical desire.
Party hot line
A dedicated telephone line or circuit that serves parties or locations. Although a party line is usually used for emergency or priority traffic, all users have equal priority and may participate in all communications on the circuit.
Particulate pollutants
Particulate matter.
Particulate phase
That portion of tobacco smoke composed of tiny suspended particles, gaseous phase.
Particulate matter
Minute, often harmful substances found in tobacco smoke and in polluted air. Particles of less than a specified size, usually of carbon, which are used as a measure of air pollution and can affect asthma.
Participative approach
The strategy of achieving objectives through the involvement of the workers or the students in decision making.
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