Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
An educational philosophy that holds that certain truths exist and are universal and unchanging.
Per curiam
By the court. An opinion with no identification of the author.
A commercial preparation of oxycodone.
Perceptual learning
The hypothesis that learning is a matter of developing perceptions or of seeing new relationships.
Perceptual invariants
Attributes of stimuli, or relationships among stimuli, that remain the same under different conditions.
Perceptual differentiation
Learning to perceive features of stimulus patterns that were not perceptible at first.
Perceptual defense
The tendency to perceive anxiety-related stimuli less readily than neutral stimuli.
Perceptual constancy
The tendency for a person to perceive objects correctly in spite of changes in the proximal stimulus provided by these objects.
Perceptual changes
Changes in sensory awareness.
Perceptual adaptation
The gradual adjustment to various distortions of perceptions.
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