Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Period prevalence
In epidemiology, the number of individuals with a specific health outcome at the time period when the count is made. May also be expressed as rate.
A dental specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the periodontium.
Period of recovery
A stage of an infectious disease when the body has overcome the infectious agent and the body is returning to normal strength and functioning.
Period of formal operations
In Piaget’s theory, the period from about 11 years on, when genuinely abstract mental operations can be undertaken.
The area between the anus and the genitals. Floor of pelvic cavity or area between external genitals and anus. The skin and tissue between the opening of the urethra and the anus. Region between the urethral opening and the anus, including the skin and underlying tissues. (In females it contains the vaginal opening.) Internally, the…
Perinatal period
The time from the 28th week of gestation to 1 month following birth. The period of time before and after childbirth, from the 28th week after conception to the first week after deliver.
Perinatal mortality
The number of fetal deaths from the 28th week of pregnancy plus the number of deaths in the first week after birth per 100,000 live births. Death (mortality) during the late prenatal period (variously defined, conventionally occurring after the 28th week of gestation or with a fetus weighing over 1,000 grams, including stillbirths), birth process…
Covering or binding muscle. Fibrous sheath enveloping the smallest bundles of muscle fibers. A sheath which surrounds a bundle of muscle fibres. The fibrous sheath that surrounds each bundle of skeletal muscle fibers. A connective tissue sheath that envelops each primary bundle of muscle fibers; sometimes called perimysium internum.
The external covering of the uterus. Sometimes referred to as the serosa. This layer of the uterus is very elastic allowing the uterus to accommodate the enlarging embryo and fetus. The outer coat of the womb. A membrane round the uterus. The membrane that envelops the uterus is known as the peritoneal membrane.
Inflammation of the periodontal tissues, usually results from localized irritation from deposits of calculus or tartar. Other causes are malocclusion, poorly applied restorations, and improperly fitting prosthetics. Inflammation of the tissues surrounding a tooth that may lead to tooth loss and a degeneration of the jaw bone.
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