Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Pernicious anemia
A progressive disease in which there is a decrease in the number and an increase in the size of red blood cells, resulting in weakness and gastrointestinal disturbances. Disease of vitamin B12 deficiency. Characterized by low numbers of red blood cells that are poorly formed and by demyelination of the sheaths of nerve tracts. Type…
A commercial preparation of fluphenazine.
Permissive theory
In psychiatry and physiology, the idea that the production of abnormal amounts of norepinephrine and serotonin may be involved in depression.
Permissive parents
Parents who use a minimum of discipline, believing that children should be allowed to develop in their own way without adult interference, authoritative parents; authoritarian parents.
Permissive legislation
Laws that establish the right to carry out a specific action without requiring that it be done.
Allowing a person to do whatever he or she likes.
Capable of, or allowing the passage of fluids into or through. Permeable describes the property of being able to permit the passage of substances.
Periventricular system
A group of neurons located in the hypothalamus and thalamus that is the punishment or avoidance center of the nervous system.
Peripheral route to persuasion
A means of using irrational reasoning in response to persuasive or rational messages.
Peripheral circulation
Blood flow through small vessels surrounded by muscles.
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