Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Piagetian theory

    The theory of child development based on the writings of Jean Piaget.  

  • Physique

    Body build or body type, ectomorphy; endomorphy; mesomorphy. The shape and size of a person’s body.  

  • Physiotherapy

    Physical therapy. The treatment of a disorder or condition by exercise, massage, heat treatment, infrared lamps or other external means, e.g. to restore strength or function after a disease or injury. The branch of treatment that employs physical methods to promote healing, including the use of light, infrared and ultraviolet rays, heat, electric current, massage,…

  • Physiologic races

    Subdivisions of a variety, alike in structure, but different in certain physiological, biochemical, or pathological ways. A particular group of parasites, mainly fungi, exhibit a distinctive adaptation to various types of crops belonging to a single host species. The International Botanical Congress, which took place in Amsterdam in 1935, advised that the term “physiological race”…

  • Physiological zero

    The temperature that is experienced as neither warm nor cold.  

  • Physiological theories of alcoholism

    Theories that claim that the cause of alcoholism is the result of a biological dysfunction. There are two forms: 1. genetotrophic theory and 2. endocrine theory.  

  • Physiological processes

    The normal functioning of all the systems of the body, physiology.  

  • Physiological paradigm

    A theoretical view that mental disorders are caused by somatic processes.  

  • Physiological nystagmus

    A continuous tremor of the eyes.  

  • Physiological needs

    Maslow’s first set of human needs; also called the basic needs. Essential for survival, the include the need for food, water, rest, elimination, and air.  

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