Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Pimp

    A man who is supported by one or more prostitutes in exchange for protection, bail money, lawyers, etc.  

  • Pilot program

    A trial, or test, of a particular program, curriculum, etc., to determine its feasibility on a small scale or with a limited population.  

  • Pilomotor

    Referring to something that moves the hairs of the skin. Causing movements of hairs, as the arrectores pilorum. The muscles responsible for hair movement when they contract and the nerves transmitting impulses to these muscles.  

  • Pilocarpine

    An alkaloid that stimulates the craniosacral division of the autonomic nervous system. An organic compound of plant origin which is used in eye drops to treat glaucoma. Cholinergic agent used in eye-drops to treat glaucoma. Adverse effects include difficulty in breathing, excess salivation, and muscle tremors. A cholinergic drug (Salagen) used to treat dryness of…

  • Pill doctors

    A slang expression for physicians who treat obesity by prescribing drugs to curb appetite or to increase the metabolic rate.  

  • Pill

    A drug in pill, tablet, or capsule form. A small hard round ball of medication that is taken by swallowing. A small round ball, sometimes coated with sugar, that contains one or more medicinal substances in solid form. It is taken by mouth. Small round masses containing active drugs held together by syrup, gum, glycerin,…

  • Pidgin

    A language that develops when two speech communities attempt to communicate by employing the common features of both languages. Eventually, this new language may become the dominant language in the culture.  

  • Pictorial cues

    Distance cues in visual images that include shading, texture, overlay, etc.  

  • Pictogram

    A unit of mass: 10-12 g or 10-6 μg.    

  • Picocuries

    A measure of radioactivity.  

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