Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Pitch disorder

    A condition where the .voice tonal characteristics are abnormal (high, low, or monotone).  

  • Pitch

    The psychological attribute that depends mainly upon the frequency of the physical stimulus. That quality of the sensation of sound that enables one to classify it in a scale from high to low. It is dependent principally on frequency of vibrations.  

  • Pinworm

    An intestinal roundworm that causes intense rectal itching A parasitic nematode worm of the genus Enterobius (Oxyuris), which lives in the upper part of the large intestine of man. The threadlike female worm, some 12 mm long, is larger than the male; it emerges from the anus in the evening to deposit its eggs, and…

  • Pinocytosis

    The process of engulfment of liquid by some animal cells. The process by which ac ell surrounds and takes in fluid. Engulfing process in which cells absorb or ingest nutrients and fluid before hydrolysis. Process by which certain cells (e.g., some leukocytes) engulf and take in droplets of fluid. A process wherein a cell engulfs…

  • Pink eye

    Pink eye

    A highly contagious infection of the eye, usually caused by staphylococcus or pneumococcus bacteria. It is treated with antibiotics.  

  • Pin index

    A safety attachment on the outlet valve of a gas-filled cylinder.  

  • Pinicillinase-producing neisseria gonorrhea (PPNG)

    A strain of gonococci resistant to all forms of penicillin.  

  • Pineal gland

    A gland in the brain that appears to regulate some body biorhythms. A gland that receives light information by way of the eyes and sympathetic nerves. It produces melatonin, serotonin, and acetylserotonin. It is located in the brain between the thalamus and the mesencephalon. Small cone-shaped gland in the brain thought to secrete melatonin; also…

  • Pineal

    Shaped like a pinecone. Relating to or released by the pineal gland. Pertaining to the pineal body or pineal gland, which is a structure located in the brain.  

  • Pimple

    A small, solid elevation of the skin containing bacteria. A small swelling on the skin, containing pus. Small, inflamed, pus-containing swelling on the skin, usually due to infection of a pore obstructed with sebaceous secretions. A type of inflamed pustule (a small pus-filled blister) that is usually red at its base. A pimple may burst…

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