Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Plasmosome

    The body within the nucleus of a cell.  

  • Plasmolysis

    The shrinking of the protoplasm from the cell wall as a result of outward diffusion of water into a solution with a low diffusion pressure of water. The contraction of a cell protoplasm by dehydration, where the surrounding cell wall becomes smaller. Shrinking of bacterial protoplasm due to loss of water to a suspending fluid…

  • Plasmodium

    A protozoan, some of which cause disease in humans, e.g., malaria. A type of parasite which infests red blood cells and causes malaria. Genus of parasites that includes the malaria-causing organisms. A genus of protozoans that live as parasites within the red blood cells and liver cells of man. The parasite undergoes its asexual development…

  • Plasmodesma (Pl. plasmodesmata)

    Minute cytoplasmic threads that extend through openings in cells, connecting the protoplasts of adjacent cells. Tunnels in plant cell walls. These facilitate communication between cells.  

  • Plasmagenes

    Self-replicating particles of cytoplasm capable of transmitting traits believed to be responsible for extranuclear inheritance.  

  • Plant pathology

    The study of plant diseases.  

  • Planning

    The process of establishing priorities, identifying the solutions to existing problems, and allocating resources to achieve objectives. The conscious design of desired future states (described in a plan by its goals and objectives, and description and selection among alternative means of achieving the goals and objectives), and the conduct of the activities necessary to the…

  • Planned pregnancy

    Conception choice.  

  • Planned obsolescence

    A system where the manufacturer makes products that do not last very long, or they create new products to replace those that exist at a rapid pace, forcing the consumer to buy new products sooner.  

  • Plankton

    Small, floating or weakly swimming organisms in a body of water. A freely floating organism one that is not anchored to a surface, e.g., some algae, bacteria, crustaceans, and diatoms.  

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