Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Pleasure centers

    The areas of the brain where stimulation results in pleasurable sensations.  

  • Plea in abatement

    In law, an objection by the defense as to the time, place, or method of the plaintiff’s claim, without disputing the validity of the claim.  

  • Pleadings

    Formal papers filed in court action in which a complaint by the plaintiff or the defendant is outlined as to what is alleged on one side and admitted to or denied on the other side.  

  • Platonic


    The close association between two people that does not include a sexual relationship.  

  • Platelet transfusion

    A blood transfusion in which red blood cells are removed and the remaining blood, rich in platelets is transfused.  

  • Platelet adhesiveness

    The tendency of platelets to clump together, thus enhancing the speed at which blood clots.  

  • Plateau phase

    The sexual response phase of sustained arousal.  

  • Plateau

    In education, period of no apparent improvement in learning a skill. Elevated, usually flat area especially on a graph or flow chart; also refers to a period of little or no change or progress, such as in athletic training. Sometimes, the effects of a drug reach a plateau where no further beneficial effects are noted.…

  • Plastic surgery

    Plastic surgery

    A medical specialty concerned with corrective, restorative, or reparative surgery for restoring or improving or repairing deformed or mutilated parts of the body. Surgical operations performed to reconstruct, repair, or alter skin and associated tissue, especially when it has been damaged by injury or disease, such as burns or cancer, or is deformed because of…

  • Plasticity

    The capacity for being molded or shaped, as in a developmental level where there is a potential for change, human plasticity. Literally, the ability to be molded, such as in a warmed plastic compound. In neurology, refers to changes in nerve synapse function that can occur as a result of the history of discharge at…

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