Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Political process

    The procedures used to initiate and enact legislation.  

  • Political behaviors

    The actions of institutions, political parties, governments, voters, lobbyists, etc. that serve to regulate and negotiate allocation of resources.  

  • Policymakers

    Those in the authority structure and the power structure who have the power to influence and establish policy.  

  • Policy formulation

    Identifying needs, resources, demand, technological alternatives, and maximum potential participation in developing policies that can be supported and authorized by policymakers.  

  • Police power

    Legislative authority granted to law enforcement officials and others to protect the health and welfare of the people through the use of punitive measures. The authority of government to restrict the rights of individuals to protect the health and welfare of the public. In the health care context, police power may be invoked by public…

  • Polarization

    The process by which attitudes or feelings become more extreme, positive attitudes becoming more favorable, negative attitudes becoming even less favorable. A condition in a ray of fight in which vibrations occur in only one plane. When a dielectric material is subjected to an electric field, it undergoes a displacement of bound charges.    

  • Polarity

    Positions at the opposite ends of a continuum. Negative pole or positive pole of an electric current.  

  • Polar bodies

    In female animals, the smaller cells produced at meiosis that do not develop into ova.  

  • Poison


    Any substance that is toxic. A substance which can kill or harm body tissues if eaten or drunk. Substance that when inhaled, ingested, or absorbed impairs health or causes death. Any substance that irritates, damages, or impairs the activity of the body’s tissues. In large enough doses almost any substance acts as a poison, but…

  • Point tenderness

    An area of tenderness limited to 2- 3 cm in diameter. It can be identified through pain with gentle pressure can be located in any place of the body as it is usually associated with acute inflammation, as in peritonitis, or disruption of tissue, as in a fracture.  

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