Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Possession

    The taking over of the mind by evil spirits, possessed. A feature of many societies in which a person is taken over by spirits and loses control of his or her behavior. It is an important part of most African tribal religious systems. It is the medium through which their deity or ancestral spirit speaks…

  • Possessed

    An ancient term for mental illness based on the belief that the person was possessed by an evil spirit, possession.  

  • Positive transference

    Analysis of transference.  

  • Positive transfer

    Transfer in which learning of one skill aids in the learning of a second skill, negative transfer.  

  • Positive spikes

    An EEG pattern from the temporal lobe of the brain of 6-8 cps to 14-16 cps, often found in people with impulsive and aggressive behaviors.  

  • Positive social actions

    A type of behavior in which one person does something to benefit another.  

  • Positive signs (Of pregnancy)

    The detection of fetal heartbeat, movement, and sonograms of the fetal skeleton, presumptive signs; probable signs. A positive pregnancy test plus characteristic changes in the uterus and cervix presumptive signs; positive signs.  

  • Positive relationship

    A relationship in which increases in the independent variable produce increases in the dependent variable negative relationship positive correlation.  

  • Positive reinforcement

    Pleasurable events following a behavior that tend to reinforce that behavior, leading to an increase in frequency of the behavior.  

  • Positive norms

    Informal group standards that tend to enhance or contribute to organizational productivity.  

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