Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Postjuctional receptor site

    The receptor for a neurotransmitter on the receiving neuron.  

  • Posthypnotic suggestion

    Induced suggestions while hypnotized to be performed by the person following removal from the hypnotic state. A suggestion given during hypnosis that influences the behavior of an individual when awake and alert.  

  • Posterior tibial artery

    The artery located just posterior to the ankle bone that supplies blood to the foot. A branch of the popliteal artery, supplying blood to the leg and foot. Artery that supplies blood to the ankle and the back of the lower leg.  

  • Posterior pituitary lobe

    The section of the pituitary gland that is toward the back or rear, anterior pituitary lobe.  

  • Postconventional level of reasoning

    Kohlberg’s third level of development of moral reasoning in which judgments are based on self-accepted moral principles.  

  • Postconcussion syndrome

    Symptoms sometimes experienced by an individual who has suffered a concussion, including headaches, anxiety, irritability, and minor cognitive impairment. Postconcussion syndrome is an acquired disorder of the brain, most commonly caused by mild to moderate head trauma. It is defined by a constellation of somatic com¬ plaints, cognitive difficulties, and emotional changes beginning after significant…

  • Post coital pill

    A contraceptive chemical in pill form that is taken the day following sexual intercourse. Also called the morning after pill.  

  • Post coital douching

    The insertion of a chemical solution into the vagina following coitus. The chemical solution usually contains a spermicide. This procedure is generally ineffective as a contraceptive method.  

  • Postadaptation

    A hereditary adaptive change induced by the environment.  

  • Post absorptive

    In nutrition, 12 h following the ingestion of food.  

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