Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Primary spermatocyte
A cell formed by mitosis of a spermatogonium.
Primary sex characteristics
Biological traits that differentiate females from males. An inherited trait that influences the development of the reproductive organs.
Primary response
The first response of the immune system to an antigen secondary response.
Primary reinforcement
Reinforcement that depends little or not at all upon previous learning.
Primary projection area
An area in the brain to which the mental effects of stimulation are conducted directly diffuse projection.
Primary prevention
Maintenance of health. Limiting the spread of illness to previously unaffected patients or populations. Within an organizational stress intervention context, primary prevention refers to strategies that attempt to minimize the source of stress and to promote a supportive organizational culture.
Primary orgasmic dysfunction
Primary anorgasmia or preorgasm.
Primary oocytes
The cells that have the potential of developing into mature ova during a woman’s reproductive life. The oocyte produced by mitosis of an oogonium.
Primary narcissism
In psychoanalytic theory, the part of the oral stage of psychosexual development in which the ego has not yet differentiated from the id.
Primary mental abilities
The major components of intelligence postulated on the basis of a factor analysis of performance on intelligence tests.
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