Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
An organism (bacterium) that grows on a minimal medium.
Protein turnover
The breakdown and replacement of protein in the body. Protein turnover consists of two processes: synthesis and degradation. Synthesis is described in the preceding section. The proteins synthesized by the body have a finite existence. They are subject to a variety of insults and modifications. Some of these modifications have been listed, for example, a…
Protein complementarity
The mixing of foods so that all light essential amino acids are ingested in the diet in proper amounts and proportions.
Protein binding
The process by which a drug binds itself chemically to the protein substances in the plasma.
Protection from physical and psychological harm
In research, such as psychological studies of volunteers, the ethical principle that requires the volunteers to be able to participate in study with no risk to their psychological or physical health. This includes guaranteed anonymity and confidentiality.
Red-green color blindness in which there is, in addition, insensitivity to red. Red blindness; color blindness in which there is a defect in the perception of red.
The practice of selling sexual services. The act of exchanging sexual favors for money. It is a risk factor for the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis, hepatitis, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
A person of either sex, but usually the female, who engages in sexual relations for profit.
The branch of dentistry concerned with the mechanics of fitting dental appliances, dentures. The branch of dentistry pertaining to the replacement of missing teeth or soft tissues with bridges, crowns, implants, and prostheses. Replacements may be fixed or removable, and may repair defects within the mouth, or in maxillofacial structures.
A dental specialty concerned with dental prosthetics.
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