Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Theory or practice of psychoanalysis.
Psychic surgery
A form of fakery using slight-of- hand techniques. A pretense at removing diseased organs by psychic means that leave no wound or require no physical incision. A form of quackery. The surgical side of psychic healing, performed through the mind and spirit of the healer during an alleged visionary experience. The gift of healing must…
Psychic structures
In psychoanalytic theory, hypothesized mental structures that help to explain different aspects of behavior.
Psychic contactlessness
According to Reich, that state of detachment that comes about when one avoids relating emotionally to others.
Psychic changes
Changes in consciousness or mood.
Psychiatric status schedule
A standardized questionnaire in which the interviewer rates the subject’s responses based on a predetermined scale of response types.
Psychiatric social workers
A person who deals with the interpersonal relationships of the patient.
Psychiatric evaluation
Medical, psychological, and sociological data used in the diagnosis of mental disorders.
Obsessive-compulsive reaction. Any psychoneurosis other than hysteria. Psychoneurosis characterised by fears and phobias. An obsolete term for a group of neuroses including phobias, anxiety states, and obsessions. The psychiatrist P. Janet divided the neuroses into hysterias and psychasthenias.
A collection of elongated blastocytes that fail to separate and form what resembles mycelium.
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