Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Psychological enviroment
The factors that have a direct impact upon one’s mental and emotional status and health.
Psychological dependence
An attachment to a drug which results from the drug’s ability to satisfy some emotional or personality need of the user. This attachment does not require physical dependence, although a physical dependence may seem to reinforce a psychological dependence. A person may also be psychologically dependent on other substances; for example, food. A state in…
Psychological deficit
The term used to describe performance and other psychological processes that are below those of what is considered normal.
Psychological assessment
Psychometric and other personality and behavior assessment data used in the diagnosis of mental and emotional disorders.
Psychological approaches to treating alcoholism
Techniques associated with the intrapsychic and interpersonal relationships. Advocates believe that the alcoholic needs the guidance and counseling of professionally trained psychotherapists.
Psychological anxiety
The symptoms of anxiety that involve a mood of depression and apprehension, somatic anxiety.
Psychological alcohol tolerance
Characterized by an experienced drinker recognizing the symptoms of intoxication and consciously controls them. The ability of a person to assume masculine or feminine roles without difficulty, self-consciousness, or embarrassment. Reflects the concept that genders do not occupy opposite ends of a single dimension but are two independent dimensions on which any person may be…
Psychogenic scock
Fainting as a result of transient generalized vasodilation in response to a sudden emotional stimulus.
Psychogenic regional pain (PRP)
A pain signal remotely localized in a field of mental perception or remote localization.
Psychogenic psychosomatic disorders
Structural and functional disorders resulting from emotional origins.
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