Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Pertaining to the rectum.
The recurrence of symptoms following a period when a disease seemed to have been improving. The reappearance of symptoms of a disease which seemed to have got better. Return of symptoms of a disease soon after they disappeared and recovery appeared to be underway. A fresh outbreak of a disorder in a patient after a…
Recreational sex
Sexual activity primarily for the pleasure it gives. Emotional involvement and intimacy are purposefully limited, relational sex.
Any type of activity voluntarily engaged that refreshes the person and is pleasurable. Participation in any endeavor that is entertaining, relaxing, or refreshing. Recreational activities may be personal or private (e.g., reading, painting), social (e.g., team sports or dance), physical (e.g., hunting), or mental (e.g., meditating or praying); they may be active or passive. Many…
Recovery time
The period of time it takes for a physiological process to return to its baseline after a response to a stimulus. The time between the end of an anesthetic infusion and the opening of a patient’s eyes.
Recovery stage
The stage of a disease in which the body’s defenses begin to overcome the disease. The stage of an illness that follows the acute stage, during which the person begins to feel better.
Recovery pulse rate
The time lapse between the pulse rate at the cessation of physical activity and its return to normal.
Recovery period of disease
The body has overcome the infectious agent and the disease is over, but the person needs time for the body to return to preinfection status.
Reconstructive mammaplasty
Rebuilding of the breast through plastic surgery.
Reconstruction method
A method of studying retention in which the items are presented in a scrambled order and the subject attempts to put them into correct order.
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