Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Resistant to ordinary methods of treatment.
Reform movements of the 1980s
Educational reforms initiated in the early 1980s in response to several national reports concerning the quality of public education.
Caused by a reflex action.
Reflex arc
A nerve path chain composed of an incoming sensory neuron, one or more interneurons located in the central nervous system, and an outgoing motor neuron. The basic system of a reflex action, where a receptor is linked to a motor neurone which in turn is linked to an effector muscle. Nervous circuit involved in a…
Reflex action discharge
The continuation of a reflex action beyond the termination of the stimulus.
Reflex action
An automatic response to a stimulus. One of the simplest forms of activity of the nervous system. (For the mechanism upon which it depends). Reflex acts are divided usually into three classes. Involuntary movement produced by sensory nerve stimulation.
Reflective teaching
A concept wherein a teacher critically reflects upon the outcomes of his or her teaching efforts.
The sending or recommending of a person to a specialist for further diagnosis and treatment. Applicable to persons with a psychological, sociological, or biological malady. The practice of sending a patient to another practitioner or to another program for services or consultation which the referring source is not prepared or qualified to provide. In contrast…
Referential communication
Communication that makes reference to objects or situations that cannot be experienced directly.
Reference group
In social psychology, a group that provides a person with attitudinal and behavioral standards.
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