Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Rheumatic heart disease
Damage of the heart valves as a result of rheumatic fever. The heart’s valves are unable to open and close as they should. Damage to the heart muscle and heart valves caused by recurrent episodes of rheumatic fever. It is characterized by stenosis (narrowing) or regurgitation (leaking) of valves, changes in the size of the…
Rheumatic fever
An infectious disease caused by a streptococcal infection (usually strep throat). Antibodies produced during the infection can cause inflammation of many body tissues, especially the inner lining of the heart. In addition, the conducting fibers of the heart may be affected, interfering with the transmission of impulses that control the heart beat. A collagen disease…
A noninfectious feeding larvae found in many roundworms.
Request for proposals
An announcement from a funding source for applications that may result in a contract and that describes the specifics of the projects being funded. Notification by a foundation or government agency that funds are available for research projects and that research sponsors are seeking applicants for those funds.
Request for application
An announcement from a funding source requesting applications for grant awards.
Reward training
A form of instrumental conditioning employing a positive reinforcer.
In psychology, any satisfying event or stimulus that reinforces a response when it closely follows that response and increases the likelihood that the subject will respond in like manner again. In behavioral science, a positive reinforcement.
In education, a process of returning to knowledge previously learned, usually for the purpose of understanding relationships and significance to new knowledge to be learned. The processes of examination and evaluation.
Reversion therapy
Conversion therapy.
Reverse tolerance
An increased sensitivity to a drug the more or longer that it is taken. When a person needs less of a drug, such as alcohol, to get the same effects. A condition in which less and less alcohol causes intoxication; it occurs during the late stage of alcoholism.
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