Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Semans technique
A method developed by Semans for treating premature ejaculation in which the male signals his partner to stop stimulation when he feels the urge to ejaculate and signals when it is time to resume stimulation.
Sella turcica
A saddle-like prominence on the upper surface of the sphenoid bone in which the hypophysis lies. A hollow in the upper surface of the sphenoid bone in which the pituitary gland sits. Concavity on the inside portion of the skull, in the sphenoid bone, that houses the pituitary gland. A depression in the body of…
The personality theory that uses the self-concept as the integrating core of personality organization and function.
The capability of mating one’s needs within the context of existing environmental circumstances. The quality of one’s health influences.
Self-serving bias
The tendency to see oneself as the cause of one’s success but to attribute failure to external sources.
Self-condemnation and blame.
Self-perception theory
The assertion that people do not know themselves directly, but rather infer their own states and dispositions by an attribution process analogous to that they use when trying to explain the behavior of other persons, attribution theory.
Snyder’s concept summarizing the key factors that influence a person’s ability to manage social relationships.
Purchasing, using, administering drugs to oneself without the advice of a physician, dentist, or pharmacist. The use of mood-altering substances, such as alcohol or opiates, in an attempt to alleviate depression, anxiety, or other psychiatric disorders.
Self-limiting condition
A disease condition, usually of minor nature, that tends to run its course to recovery without treatment.
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