Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Sex reassignment operation
A surgical procedure designed to remove the external genitalia and replace them with genitalia appropriate to those of the opposite sex.
Sex ratio
The number of males in a population per each 100 females. The proportion of males to females in a population, usually expressed as the number of males per 100 females. The primary sex ratio, at the time of fertilization, is in theory 50% male. The secondary sex ratio, found at birth, usually indicates slightly fewer…
The philosophy, principles, and knowledge that people have about their own personally experienced eroto-sexuality and that of other people, singly or collectively.
Sex organs
The organs used in sexual intercourse the male penis and the female vagina.
According to Knox, a body of knowledge concerned with the differentiation and dimorphism of sex and the erotosexual pair bonding of partners. The study of sex and sexual behaviour.
Sex offender
A person who commits an act designated by law as a sex offense and, therefore, a crime.
Sex-linked trait
A trait that is determined by a gene on one of the sex chromosomes.
Sex-inked prepotency
The presumed tendency for both male and female animals to be more responsive to the opposite-gender patterns of stimulation than to same-gender patterns of stimulation based upon differences in brain mechanisms and hormone secretions.
Sex-linked disorders
Inherited physical problems that are carried on sex chromosomes. A genetic disorder caused by a gene that is found on a sex chromosome, usually the X chromosome.
Sex linkage
An association or linkage of a hereditary character with sex. The existence of characteristics which are transmitted through the X chromosomes. The correlation between a specific genetic disorder and the sex chromosomes.
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