Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Sex therapist
A member of a recognized profession who has training and experience in helping persons with sexual dysfunctions.
Sex steroids
A name for a group of compounds including sex hormones with estrogenic and androgenic properties.
Sex stereotype
A highly distorted and standardized view of gender roles.
The labia minora in the female, which shows a discoloration response in the plateau phase of the sexual response cycle.
Sex role stereotype
A culture’s fixed beliefs about which jobs, rights, and privileges are appropriate to each sex.
Sex role learning
The process of learning the socially accepted pattern of sex behavior.
Sex role identity
A sense of oneself as masculine or feminine, possessing attributes prescribed by sex role standards, sexual identity.
Sex role flexibility
The willingness and ability to engage in a variety of activities, perform them at will, and feel good about doing them regardless of how they are sex typed.
Sex role
A set of expected gender-specific behaviors.
Sex reversal
A change in the characteristics of an individual from male to female or vice versa. The changing of an individual’s sexual phenotype to that of the opposite sex.
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