Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Social-withdrawal disorder
A disorder characterized by extreme shyness, especially among children, exhibited by never being able to warm up to others even after prolonged exposure to them. They also do not join in group activities and tend to avoid crowded places.
Social well-being
A sense of being comfortable and able to interact with other people in a variety of social situations.
Social system model
A school of psychology that holds that abnormal behavior is the result of distortions in the social relations experienced by an individual.
Social system
An interrelated set of status and roles within a society. A may involve the society as a whole and its institutions, or with individuals and small group interactions.
Social support
Personal relationships that may be relied upon for emotional or material support in times of need. Help given by others to provide feedback, satisfy needs, and validate one’s experience. A large body of research suggests that the loss of social support is a causal factor of both physical and psychological disease. Nursing practice uses social…
Social stratification
A ranking of social status and the roles of each status in the social system. Such ranking may be referred to as a social class or a social caste, depending upon whether one’s status is based upon achievement or upon an ascription at birth.
Social stimulus value
The characteristics that influence the way others respond.
Social skill training
Used in the treatment of sex offenders. This procedure teaches the person how to initiate and maintain socially appropriate relationships as an alternative to the undesirable behavior.
Social skills
The ability to successfully interact with others while maintaining physical, social, and emotional well-being. The ability to interact normally with others; in infants, this involves first attending to, responding to, and imitating others, gradually working into playing and sharing with others. A Chart of Normal Development indicates when between birth and age six children first,…
Social services
Services designed to help persons with problems that concern housing, transportation, meals, recreation, child support, and family support and relations. The special facilities which the government or local authorities provide to people in the community who need help, such as the elderly, children whose parents have died or the unemployed.
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