Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Temperate phage
A phage (virus) that invades but does not destroy the host (bacterial) cell, virulent phage. A virus that duplicates itself by transitioning through a prophage phase within a lysogenic bacterium.
A moderation or restraint in some behavior. Moderation in one’s thoughts and actions, especially with respect to use of alcoholic beverages.
The final phase of mitosis. The final stage of mitosis, the stage in cell division after anaphase. Last of the four main stages of division within a cell nucleus, in which the new daughter chromosomes are at the poles of the division spindle, the nuclear membrane forms around them, the nucleolus reappears, and cytoplasmic division…
Telogen effluvium
Loss of hair resulting from crash diets, infections, fever, or chemotherapy.
Telephone hot line
A direct, dedicated telephone circuit that connects two or more points for instant communication.
The use of design, purpose, or utility as an explanation of any natural phenomenon. The belief that everything is directed toward some final purpose. The belief that natural phenomena can be explained by understanding their ultimate purpose or design.
The anterior portion of the brain diencephalon. That part of the brain that includes the cerebral hemispheres, basal ganglia, olfactory bulb, and olfactory tracts. The embryonic endbrain or posterior division of the prosencephalon from which the cerebral hemispheres, corpora striata, and rhinencephalon develop. The front part of the brain, also referred to as the endbrain.…
The measurement of diagnostic signs by electrical instruments and the transmission of them, by radio, to a distant place for recording. Used for electrocardiograph signals. The transmission of data electronically to a distant location.
The apparent production of motion in objects without physical means. The ability to move objects by pure mental concentration. Claims of telekinetic powers are typical of patients with psychotic illnesses.
The alleged appearance in the offspring of characteristics derived from a previous sire or mate of the female. The unsubstantiated theory that mating with one male has an effect on the offspring of later matings with other males.
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