Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
A diagnostic technique using heat waves to detect breast cancer in its early developmental stages. A technique, used especially in screening for breast cancer, where part of the body is photographed using infrared rays which record the heat given off by the skin and show variations in the blood circulating beneath the skin. Technique for…
Thermal pollution
The addition of heat to a natural body of water sufficient to damage the aquatic ecosystem.
Thermal inversion
A weather condition in which a layer of warm, stable air forms above a cooler, polluted layer, inhibiting dispersal of pollutants.
Thermal conductivity
The power to transmit or convey heat.
The shotgun approach to prescribing medicines.
Therapeutic ratio
Therapeutic index. The ratio obtained by dividing the effective therapeutic dose by the minimum lethal dose.
Therapeutic level
The concentration of a drug in the body in a quantity that is effective for accomplishing the desired results.
Therapeutic index
An assessment of the relative safety of drugs. The ratio between the median lethal dose and the median effective dose of a drug used for a particular effect. The ratio of the dose of a drug which causes cell damage to the dose of that drug which is typically needed to effect a cure, by…
Therapeutic agent
A drug used for treating or preventing disease, or to maintain health.
Therapeutic abortion
An abortion that is legal under state law. An abortion which is carried out because the health of the mother is in danger. Legal, induced abortion done for medical reasons, as when the pregnancy threatens the pregnant woman’s life. An abortion that may be performed if the mother is at risk of serious physical or…
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