Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Transcellular fluid
Together with interstitial fluid, accounts for 80% of all extracellular fluid in the body.
Transactional thought disorder
A form of communication deviance in which there is a pattern of ambiguous, incomplete communication.
Trance logic
A way of thinking while under hypnosis that allows a person to accept as real situations and images that would be unreal without hypnosis.
Trait theory of personality development
One’s personality and behavior are influenced by consistent behavioral characteristics (traits).
Trainable child
The noneducable child capable of developing useful skills of one type or another, educable child.
Trail-making test
A test designed to reveal the individual’s capacity to scan and integrate information under the pressure of time.
The unauthorized manufacture, distribution, or possession with intent to distribute any drug.
Traditional sex typing
Showing high acceptance of behaviors traditionally stereotyped as appropriate for one’s own sex and low self-acceptance of sex role behaviors stereotyped as appropriate for the opposite sex.
Traditional education
A system of education based upon progressive grading, self-contained classrooms, and lessons conducted by certified teachers, open education.
Traditional classroom
A classroom based on the philosophy that children learn best when materials are presented to them in an organized, structured way. Lesson plans, materials, space, and objectives are determined by the teacher and follow a standard format for all students, open classroom.
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