Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Traumatic emphysema
Emphysema occurring as a result of trauma.
Traumatic disease
An illness caused by external factors, such as poison, a blow, or stress.
Traumatic asphyxia
Asphyxia occurring as a result of sudden or severe compression of the throat or upper abdomen or both.
Pertaining to a wound or injury. Caused by an injury. Extremely frightening, distressing or shocking. Related to a wound or injury.
A person who dresses in the clothing of the opposite sex. An individual who practices transvestism. An individual with a habitual practice of cross-dressing.
Transverse presentation
Transverse position. A position of the baby in the uterus, where the baby’s side will appear first, usually requiring urgent manipulation or caesarean section to prevent complications. Presentation with the fetus lying crosswise. A baby positioned horizontally across the cervix instead of being oriented head first. A presentation where the baby’s position is such that…
Transverse position
In childbirth, when the baby lies across the uterus and a shoulder or arm will first be seen at the opening of the vagina. A cesarean section is often necessary if the baby cannot be turned.
Transverse fracture
A fracture whose line forms a right angle with the axis of the bone. A fracture where the bone is broken straight across. A type of fracture in which the bones are dislocated sideways. A bone break that is perpendicular to the bone’s long axis. A fracture in which the fracture line is at right…
Transverse fission
The cleavage of the cytoplasm horizontally across the middle of the cell following nuclear division, resulting in more or less equal daughter cells.
Transverse colon
That division of the large intestine that crosses the abdomen, located between the ascending colon and the descending colon. The second section of the colon which crosses the body below the stomach. That part of the colon that extends across the mid-abdomen from the ascending colon on the right side to the beginning of the…
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