Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
An slang term referring to a hallucinogenic experience. A slang term used to refer to hallucinations produced by various drugs, including LSD, mescaline, and some narcotics.
An oxide containing three oxygen atoms.
The offspring from homozygous parents differing in 3 pairs of genes. In genetics, the offspring of a cross between two individuals differing in three unit characters.
An antipsychotic drug. Vesprin is the brand name.
Tricyclic drug
One of the group of antidepressants, called tricyclic because of its chemical structure, that interferes with the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin by a neuron after it has fired.
Tricyclic compounds
Drugs used to elevate moods and to treat certain types of depression.
Tricuspid valve
A three-cusp valve that regulates blood flow between the right atrium and the right ventricle of the heart. An inlet valve with three cusps between the right atrium and the right ventricle in the heart. Heart valve with three cusps, situated between the right atrium and the right ventricle of the heart, where it allows…
Trick vocabulary
The use of language without respect to meaning.
Vernacular for trichomoniasis.
Trichromatic color vision
Color vision.
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