Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Ultrasound device
A mechanism that transforms electrical energy into sound energy for use in diagnosis, surgery, dental care, and other therapeutic procedures ultrasonography.
High-intensity sound waves used to create an image of internal body structures. Very high frequency sound waves which can be reflected off internal body parts or off a fetus in the womb to create images for medical examination. Pulses of high-frequency sound waves used in medicine to create a moving image, or sonogram, of body…
Ultradian rhythm
A fixed pattern of changes in basic body processes occurring in 90-100 min cycles.
Ultimate environment
An abstract concept pertaining to a set of conditions in which a person comfortably understands himself or herself and others and the natural world.
Ultimate cause
Explanations of behavior that focus on why a particular behavior increased reproductive success during the process of evolution. The remote event or condition that initiated a train of events resulting in the development of a disease or condition.
Ulnar artery
The major artery of the forearm, on the side opposite the thumb. An artery which branches from the brachial artery at the elbow and runs down the inside of the forearm to join the radial artery in the palm of the hand. Large artery that branches from the brachial artery and supplies muscles of the…
The larger of the two bones of the forearm on the little finger side of the arm. The longer and inner of the two bones in the forearm between the elbow and the wrist. Larger of the two lower arm bones (the other being the radius) extending from the elbow, where it articulates with the…
A strain of bacteria not capable of synthesizing the amino acid tyrosine.
Typhus fever
An acute infectious disease transmitted by lice and fleas. An infective disease of worldwide distribution caused by the genus rickettsia. An acute, infectious disease transmitted by lice, also known as epidemic typhus, fleck typhus, jail fever, or camp fever.
Typhoid fever
A contagious disease transmitted through water, milk, and food containing Salmonella typhosa bacteria. Serious, sometimes fatal infection with the bacterium Salmonella typhi, characterized by high fever, watery diarrhea, delirium, cough, rosy spots on the abdomen, and an enlarged spleen. Treatment is by antibacterials; typhoid vaccine provides short-term prevention. A bacterial infection most commonly caused by…
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