Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Vertebral spine
The posterior projection of each vertebra.
Vertebral body
The round, solid bone forming the front part of each vertebra. A short column of bone forming the weight-supporting portion of a vertebra. From its dorsolateral surfaces project the roots of the arch of a vertebra.
Vertebral arch
A posterior projection from a vertebra. The arch formed by the posterior projection of a vertebra that, with the body, encloses the vertebral foramen.
A spinal bone. One of twenty-four ring-shaped bones which link together to form the backbone. Referring to the vertebrae. One of two arteries which go up the back of the neck into the brain. Vertebrae, any of the 33 bones of the spinal column (vertebral column, or backbone), including 7 cervical (neck region), 12 thoracic…
A commercial preparation of one of the barbiturates.
Vernix caseosa
The cheese-like protective substance covering the skin of the fetus. An oily substance which covers a baby’s skin at birth. Cheese-like substance that covers the skin of a fetus and newborn, serving as a protective cover. The layer of greasy material that covers the skin of a fetus or newborn baby. It is produced by…
Vermiform appendix
A vestigial organ located at the beginning of the large intestine. A wormlike intestinal diverticulum located at the end of the cecum and terminating in a blind extremity. A long, narrow, worm-shaped tube connected to the back of the cecum. It varies in length from less than 1 in to more than 8 in (2.5…
An essential property of statements in science. Statements are verifiable when they can be subject to empirical test.
A condition characterized by a swelling of a vein.
Verbal test
A test that requires the use of language, performance test; written test.
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