Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Womb

    The uterus.  

  • Woman year

    A means of measuring the effectiveness of contraceptives in which women use one means of contraception exclusively for a period of 1 year. The number of pregnancies that occur during that year determine the rate per.  

  • Wolffian ducts

    The primitive genital ducts that, under hormonal influence, evolve into male genitalia. The duct in the embryo leading from the mesonephros to the cloaca. From it develop the ductus epididymis, ductus deferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct, ureter, and pelvis of the kidney.  

  • Without prejudice

    In law, no rights or privileges will be considered waived or lost.  

  • Withitness

    An attribute of good classroom managers characterized by alertness to what happens throughout the classroom, helping to prevent disciplinary incidents, classroom management.  

  • Within-group heritability

    The extent to which variation within groups is attributable to genetic factors, between-group heritability; heritability.  

  • Withdrawal syndrome

    The combination of physical and psychological symptoms that appear when an addicting drug is denied, withdrawal symptoms. The clinical syndrome of somatic and psychologic manifestations that occur when a drug is removed from a patient who has become physically dependent on the drug. Uncomfortable physical symptoms that occur when use of a sedative, pain drug,…

  • Withdrawal effects

    Opponent-process theory of motivation.  

  • Wise fulfillment in dreams

    The latent dream that represents the person’s hidden desires, Freud’s theory of dreams.  

  • Wisc-r

    An acronym for Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised.  

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