Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Yohimbine

    An alkaloid from the bark of an African tree that is thought by some to have aphrodisiac properties. Yohimbine is an extract from from the bark of Pausinystalia yohimbe tree. Yohimbine is considered the active ingredient of this extract. This chemical has reported functional properties as an alpha-2-antagonist. When alpha-2 receptors are blocked, lipolysis of…

  • Yen hook

    An instrument used in opium smoking.  

  • Yen asleep

    A drowsy but restless state during a drug withdrawal period.  

  • Yen

    A craving or desire for drugs or foods.  

  • Yeast infection

    In sexology, a vaginal infection caused by Candida albicans, often transmitted sexually. A common vaginal infection usually caused by an overgrowth of the Candida fungus that is commonly present in the vagina. Symptoms include intense itching, burning, and redness in the vaginal area. A thick cottage cheese-like discharge is frequently present. Some women with yeast…

  • Yang

    One of the two opposing forces in eastern philosophy associated with the earth, heat, brightness, activity, and masculinity.  

  • Xyletol

    A sugar alcohol. made from birch trees, with sweetness equal to that of sucrose and caloric values the same as glucose. No longer used in the United States.  

  • X-linked gene

    A gene known to be located on the X chromosome. A gene on the X chromosome for which there is no corresponding gene on the Y chromosome. X-linked genes (e.g., the gene for red-green color blindness) are expressed but in males even these genes are recessive because there is no corresponding gene to dominate them.…

  • Xiphoid

    The smallest and most dependent part of the breast bone.  

  • Xerosis

    An abnormal dryness, as in conjunctiva or skin. Extreme dryness of skin or mucous membrane. Abnormal dryness of the conjunctiva, the skin, or the mucous membranes. Xerosis affecting the conjunctiva is due not to decreased production of tears but to changes in the membrane itself, which becomes thickened and gray in the area exposed when…

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