Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Zoogamete

    Motile isogamete.  

  • Zona pelluida

    The coating of the human ovum.  

  • Zero population growth (ZPG)

    The point at which the number of births equals the number of deaths in a given population. The demographic equilibrium in which in a given period of time the population neither increases nor decreases, that is, the death and birth rates are equal.  

  • Zero contract

    According to Levinger, a stage prior to a relationship in which a couple is unaware of one another.  

  • Zen macrobiotic diets

    Developed by George Ohsawa in the early 1960s. Based on the misconception that human diseases were unnecessary and could be prevented by diets consisting of unpolished brown rice. Some of the diets included some kinds of vegetables. Nutritionists claim that strict adherence to the Zen diets will result in severe malnutrition in the form of…

  • Zeigarnik effect

    The tendency to remember incomplete tasks better than completed ones.  

  • Youth rebellion

    A general concept referring to the tendency of the young to assert their independence from their parents and to form their identity may be characterized by a rejection of parental and social values, use of psychoactive drugs, delinquent behavior, etc.    

  • Young-helmholtz theory

    A theory of color vision that assumes three types of cones, usually assumed to be maximally responsive to red, green, and blue. The theory that color vision depends on three different sets of retinal fibers responsible for perception of red, green, and violet. The loss of red, green, or violet as color perceptive elements in…

  • Young adult years

    That segment of the life cycle from ages 18 to 22.  

  • Yoked control

    An experimental method in which the control subject receives the same treatment as the experimental subject on the same schedule. Usually, the two subjects are run at the same time and the experimental subject’s reactions control the events presented to the control subject.  

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