Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Infirmity due to weakness of mind and body.
Abiologic, abiological
Unrelated to the science of life.
Origination of life from nonliving matter.
A stage in meiosis during which synapsis occurs.
Zygomatic process of the maxilla
The rough projection from the maxilla that articulates with the zygomatic bone.
Zygomatic process of the frontal bone
The massive projection of the frontal bone that joins the zygomatic bone to form the lateral margin of the orbit.
A motile spore found among algae and fungi.
Spore mother cell in which motile asexual spores are formed by mitosis via cleavage of the cytoplasm.
Microscopic aquatic animals.
A translucent, gelatin-like film that adheres to the teeth and surrounding mucous membrane. A stage in development of certain organisms in which colonies of microbes are embedded in a gelatinous matrix.
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