Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Abdominocystic

    Abdomen and gallbladder.  

  • Ablate

    To remove, especially by suction or cutting, or a combination of the two (as is sometimes done in removing part of an organ, e.g., damaged tissue in the brain). To eliminate, excise, or surgically remove.  

  • Ablactation

    Cessation of milk secretion.  

  • Abirritant

    An agent that relieves irritation.  

  • Abenteric

    Organs outside the intestines.  

  • Abductor

    A muscle that draws a part away from the midline. A muscle which pulls a part of the body away from the centre line of the body or away from a neighbouring part. Muscle that causes a body part to abduct. Any muscle that moves one part of the body away from another or from…

  • Abarticulation

    Ambiguous term meaning dislocation of a joint.  

  • Azymia

    Without an enzyme. Condition of absence of an enzyme.  

  • Avitaminotic

    Diseases due to lack of vitamins.  

  • Avirulent

    Lacking poisonous or infective properties.   This passage describes a type of pathogenic microorganism that lacks the ability to cause serious illness. It is often referred to as avirulent, though this term is preferred over simply “non-virulent” to prevent confusion with the phrase “a virulent.”  

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