Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Extra-adrenal

    Outside the adrenal gland.  

  • Extorsion

    Outward rotation of organ or part.  

  • Extima


  • Exterofective

    Response to stimuli via central nervous system.  

  • Exteroceptor

    Sense organ receiving stimuli from outside. A sensory nerve which is affected by stimuli from outside the body, e.g. in the eye or ear. A sensory nerve, ending in the skin or a mucous membrane, that is responsive to stimuli from outside the body. A sense organ (e.g., in the eye, ear, or skin) adapted…

  • Externus

    Outside or farther form center.  

  • Externalia

    The external sex organs.  

  • Extern

    Medical student or graduate who works but does not live in the hospital. A person, usually in medicine or dentistry, who provides medical or dental care, under professional supervision, while still a student. A medical student, living outside a hospital, who assists in the medical and surgical care of patients.  

  • Exteriorize

    To expose an inner part; to turn one’s interest outward. To place an internal organ or part of it (e.g., part of the colon in a colostomy) on the outside of the body. To mobilize without the body, a part temporarily in surgery.  

  • Extensor

    Any muscle that extends joints. Muscle that, when flexed, causes extension of a joint, or straightening of an arm or leg. A muscle that extends a part of the body. Muscles that straighten the wrist, hand, and fingers to form a straight line. An extensor muscle is any muscle that operates a joint to extend…

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