Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Flank and region below navel and between right and left groins.
Ilium and tail bone. Referring to both the ilium and the coccyx.
Ileum and first part of the large intestine.
Deficiency of ovarian hormones.
Deficient secretion of urine.
Space in middle ear below lower edge of eardrum. The part of the middle ear beneath the level of the tympanic membrane.
Diminished thyroid gland activity.
A diminished intensity of emotional response. It is a feature of asthenic personalities, of some chronic schizophrenics, and of some depressives. A decreased emotional response to stimuli.
Fleshy prominence on side of palm beneath little finger. Referring to the soft fat part of the palm beneath the little finger. Describing or relating to the fleshy prominent part of the palm of the hand below the fingers. The fleshy prominence on the inner side of the palm next to the little finger. The…
Low blood pressure. A condition in which the pressure of the blood is unusually low. Blood pressure that is abnormally low (in adults, usually less than 90 mm systolic); it may result from hemorrhage, excessive fluid loss, heart mal¬ function, Addison’s disease, or other disorder. In some people blood pressure drops when they rise from…
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