Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Air or gas in expanded upper end of ureter.
Air or gas and fluid in chest cavity. Gas or air and fluid in the pleural cavity. The existence of both air or gas and fluid within the pleural cavity of the chest.
Air or gas and fluid in sac containing the heart.
Gas and fluid in the womb. The accumulation of gas and fluid in the uterus.
Air or gas and blood in chest cavity. Gas or air and blood collected in the pleural cavity. The presence of gas (or air) and blood in the chest’s pleural cavity.
Air or gas and blood in sac containing the heart. The accumulation of air and blood in the pericardium. The occurrence of both air and blood in the pericardium.
Referring to the lungs and the stomach. Pertaining to both the lungs and the stomach, or associated with the vagus nerve, also known as the pneumogastric nerve.
Streptococcus infection of the skin with pneumonia.
Air or gas in part of skull enclosing the brain.
Air or gas in large intestine. Air in the colon. This may be introduced as an aid in radiological diagnosis.
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