Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
One of four small projections in the midbrain. A small protuberance or swelling. Two pairs of colliculi, the superior and inferior colliculi, protrude from the roof of the midbrain.
Collection chamber
A section of the heart where blood collects before being pumped out.
A condition in which someone is extremely exhausted or semi-conscious. A condition in which an organ becomes flat or loses air. A sudden exhaustion, prostration, or weakness due to decreased circulation of the blood. “Collapse” is an informal expression denoting a state of profound fatigue or extreme depletion. It can also be employed to describe…
Containing collagen. Referring to collagen disease.
Collagen disease
Any disease of the connective tissue. Any of several disorders (e.g., ankylosing spondylitis, arteritis nodosa, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus) marked by disruption of connective tissue. Sometimes called collagen vascular disease. Disease of the connective tissue, which is an essential part of every structure in the body. Collagen diseases are sometimes referred to as connective tissue…
An antibiotic which is effective against a wide range of organisms and is used to treat gastrointestinal infections. Narrow spectrum antibiotic first isolated from Bacillus colistinus, subsequently found to be identical with Polymyxin E. An antibiotic administered by mouth to treat gastroenteritis and other bacterial infections. Colistin is a mixture of antimicrobial substances produced by…
Coliform bacterium
Any bacterium which is similar to Escherichia coli.
Referring to colic.
Cold pack
A cloth or a pad filled with gel or clay which is chilled and put on the body to reduce or increase the temperature. A bulky dressing containing icewater, cubed or crushed ice, or gel, which is refrigerated and used topically to control pain or inflammation.
Cold compress
A wad of cloth soaked in cold water, used to relieve a headache or bruise. A soft, absorbent cloth, several layers thick, dipped in cold water, slightly wrung out, and applied to the part being treated. The duration of the application is usually 10 to 20 min.
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