Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Colpohysterectomy

    A surgical operation in which the womb is removed through the vagina. The surgical extraction of the uterus through the vaginal passage.  

  • Colpocystopexy

    A surgical operation to lift and stitch the vagina and bladder to the abdominal wall.  

  • Colpocystitis

    Inflammation of both the vagina and the urinary bladder.  

  • Colour index

    The ratio between the amount of haemoglobin and the number of red blood cells in a specific amount of blood.  

  • Colour blindness

    A condition of being unable to tell the difference between specific colours. inability to detect differences between colours.  

  • Colostomy bag

    A bag attached to the opening made by a colostomy, to collect faeces as they are passed out of the body.  

  • Colonoscope

    A surgical instrument for examining the interior of the colon. An endoscope for viewing the interior of the colon. It is made of fibreglass which ensures flexibility, and incorporates a system of lenses for magnification and a lighting system. A slender, flexible, hollow instrument equipped with a light source, inserted through the anus and rectum…

  • Colonic irrigation

    The washing out of the contents of the large intestine using a tube inserted in the anus. Flushing of the colon with water, that is, an enema.  

  • Coloboma

    A condition in which part of the eye, especially part of the iris, is missing. A defect in the development of the eye causing abnormalities ranging in severity from a notch in the lower part of the iris, making it pear-shaped, to defects in the lower part of the retina and choroid (the inner layers…

  • Collodion

    A liquid used for painting on a clean wound, where it dries to form a flexible covering. A syrupy solution of nitrocellulose in a mixture of alcohol and ether. When applied to the surface of the body it evaporates to leave a thin clear transparent skin, useful for the protection of minor wounds. Flexible collodion…

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