Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Automatic collimation
The process in which the collimator automatically adapts to the dimensions of the cassette when it is positioned in the Bucky tray is known as automatic collimation.
A control device, composed of a network of circuit components including resistors, capacitors, and conductors, is designed to systematically reduce the signal strength by a controlled amount.
Atomic orbit
The electrons of an atom are carried within the uniform circular regions located outside the nucleus.
ASA rating
The American Standards Association has developed a speed rating for photographic materials. This rating system is determined using an arithmetical progression, employing an average gradient system.
Artificial radioactive isotopes
Under controlled conditions, elements can be subjected to bombardment by protons, neutrons, gamma rays, or other particles. This process commonly takes place in facilities such as cyclotrons or reactors.
Armature core
The core cylinder or ring serves as the structure on which the armature windings are either placed or housed.
Armature coil
A wire coil positioned on the armature of a generator or motor, forming a crucial component of the armature winding.
A malfunction can give rise to a sparking effect that may occur between the cathode and anode.
CT archival storage
In the context of CT, long-term storage of information can be achieved through various means. This includes storing the data on digital magnetic tape, floppy disks, or as images captured on x-ray film
Aperture diaphragm
A type of beam restrictor is comprised of a lead-blocked sheet specifically designed with a range of openings. These openings are suitable for covering a film of a specific size at a specific distance.
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