Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Complete abortion

    An abortion where the whole contents of the uterus are expelled. The ejection of an embryo or fetus, accompanied by its surrounding membranes and placenta, from the uterus.  

  • Complementary

    Combining with or adding to something else. Used in or using complementary medicine. Referring to genes which are necessary to each other and produce their effect only when they are present together. Supplying something that is lacking in another system or entity. It denotes an entity that fulfills the purpose of augmenting or finalizing another.…

  • Compensate

    To give someone an amount of money or something else to pay for loss or damage. (Of an organ) to make good the failure of an organ by making another organ, or the undamaged parts of the same organ, function at a higher level.  

  • Compatibility

    The ability of two drugs not to interfere with each other when administered together. The ability of a body to accept organs, tissue or blood from another person and not to reject them. The degree to which the body’s defense systems will tolerate the presence of intruding foreign material, such as blood when transfused or…

  • Community trust

    An independent non-profit-making body set up to represent an area of public concern.  

  • Community services

    Nursing services which are available to the community.  

  • Community nurse

    A nurse who treats people in a local community.  

  • Community midwife

    A midwife who works in a community as part of a primary health care team.  

  • Community mental health nurse

    A specialist nurse who works in a particular district visiting people in the area with mental health problems.  

  • Community hospital

    A hospital serving a local community.  

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