Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Concentrate

    A solution from which water has been removed.  

  • Conceive

    (Of a woman) to become pregnant with a child.  

  • Computerised axial tomography

    A system of examining the body in which a narrow X-ray beam, guided by a computer, photographs a thin section of the body or of an organ from several angles, using the computer to build up an image of the section.  

  • Compulsory admission

    The process of admitting someone who is mentally ill to hospital for treatment whether or not they consent.  

  • Compulsive eating

    A psychological condition in which someone has a continual desire to eat.  

  • Compression syndrome

    Pain in muscles after strenuous exercise. A collection of symptoms caused by pressure on a nerve or nerves that supply the muscles and carry sensations from a particular area of the body. Symptoms of a compression syndrome include weakness, numbness, tingling, and pain. Carpal tunnel syndrome (compression of the median nerve at the wrist) is…

  • Compression stocking

    A strong elastic stocking worn to support a weak joint in the knee or to hold varicose veins tightly.  

  • Compos mentis

    Not affected by a mental disorder.  

  • Complexion

    The general colour of the skin on the face. Texture, color, and appearance of the skin of the face. The color and appearance of the facial skin.  

  • Complete blood count

    A test to find the exact numbers of each type of blood cell in a sample of blood. Determination of the number of red and white blood cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes) and sometimes platelets in 1 cubic milliliter sample of blood. One of the most common laboratory tests, it is an important aid to diagnosis…

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