Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
The period when a woman giving birth stays in hospital, from the beginning of labour until some time after the birth of her baby. This period is very short nowadays. State of being restrained to a particular place to limit activity. Historically, the 6-week period between the day of parturition and the end of the…
Kept in a place.
Cone biopsy
The removing of a cone of tissue from the cervix for examination. A procedure in which a cone-shaped or cylindrical section of tissue is removed from a woman’s cervix with a scalpel or a laser for diagnosis or treatment of cervical dysplasia or localized cancer of the cervix. It is performed when a woman has…
Condyloid process
A projecting part at each end of the lower jaw which forms the head of the jaw, joining the jaw to the skull. A posterior process on the superior border of the ramus of the mandible consisting of a capitulum and neck. It articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone.
Referring to conduction.
Conduction fibre
A fibre which transmits impulses, e.g. in the bundle of His.
Conducting system
The nerve system in the heart which links an atrium to a ventricle, so that the two beat at the same rate.
Referring to someone who has been hit on the head and has lost and then regained consciousness.
Concha auriculae
The depressed part of the outer ear that leads to the inner ear. A concavity on the median surface of the auricle of the ear, divided by a ridge into the upper cymba conchae and a lower cavum conchae. The latter leads to the external auditory meatus.
Conceptual framework
The theoretical basis on which something is formed.
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