Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Cord

    A long flexible structure in the body like a thread. Elongated, flexible part (e.g., the umbilical cord, vocal cords, and spinal cord). Any long flexible anatomical structure, which may be solid or tubular. Examples include the spermatic cord, spinal cord, umbilical cord, and vocal cord.  

  • Coracoid process

    A projecting part on the shoulder blade. A small projection that resembles a bent finger; is a point of attachment for several muscles of the arm and chest. A beaklike process that curves upward and forward from the top of the scapula, over the shoulder joint. A beak-shaped process extending upward and laterally from the…

  • Coracobrachialis

    A muscle on the medial side of the upper arm, below the armpit.  

  • Coraco-acromial

    Referring to the coracoid process and the acromion. Associated with the coracoid and acromion processes of the scapula.  

  • Copulate

    To have sexual intercourse.  

  • Coproporphyrin

    Porphyrin excreted by the liver. A substance normally excreted in urine in minute amounts; excretion is elevated in liver and certain metabolic diseases. A porphyrin compound that is formed during the synthesis of protoporphyrin IX, a precursor of heme. Coproporphyrin is excreted in the feces during the process of red blood cell formation. A porphyrin…

  • Coordinate

    To make things work together. To organise a complex procedure.  

  • Coombs test

    A test for antibodies in red blood cells, used as a test for erythroblastosis fetalis and other haemolytic syndromes [Described 1945. After Robin Royston Amos Coombs (1921— ), Quick Professor of Biology, and Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, UK.] A test to detect, and differentiate between, various types of anemias; most commonly used to…

  • Convulse

    To ae violently and uncontrollably.  

  • Convolution

    A twisted shape. Turn, fold, or coil of anything; also, convex fold or ridge in the surface of the brain. Folds separated by depressions. A folding or twisting, such as one of the many that cause the fissures, sulci, and gyri of the surface of the cerebrum. A folding of an organ back onto itself,…

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