Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Coronal suture

    A horizontal joint across the top of the skull between the parietal and frontal bones. A suture between the frontal and parietal bones.  

  • Corona capitis

    The crown of the head or top part of the skull.  

  • Cornu

    A structure in the body which is shaped like a horn. Each of the four processes of the thyroid cartilage. Cornua, hornlike part (e.g., the ethmoid cornu of the nose). A horn-shaped structure, such as the horn-shaped processes of the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage.  

  • Corneal reflex

    A reflex from touching or hitting the cornea which makes the eyelid close. Closing of the eyelid in response to stimulation of the cornea of the eye. Instinctive closing of the eyelids when the surface of the cornea (see EYE) is lightly touched with a fine hair. Closure of eyelids resulting from direct corneal irritation.…

  • Corneal graft

    A surgical operation to graft corneal tissue from a donor or from a dead person to replace diseased tissue. A piece of corneal tissue used in a graft. Also known as keratoplasty. If the cornea becomes damaged or diseased and vision is impaired, it can be removed and replaced by a corneal graft. The graft…

  • Corneal bank

    A place where eyes of dead donors can be kept ready for use in corneal grafts.  

  • Corneal abrasion

    Corneal abrasion

    A scratch on the cornea, caused by something sharp getting into the eye. Loss of or damage to superficial layers of the cornea due to trauma or repetitive irritation, such as a foreign particle under a contact lens. An injury to the thin skin (epithelium) overlying the transparent covering (cornea) of the eye. Symptoms may…

  • Corectopia


    Ectopia of the pupil of the eye. Unnatural placement of the pupil of the eye toward one side, rather than the center, of the iris. Displacement of the pupil toward one side from its normal position in the center of the iris. When present from birth, the displacement is usually inward toward the nose. Scarring…

  • Cordon sanitaire

    A restriction of movement to and from an area to control the spread of a disease.  

  • Cordectomy

    A surgical operation to remove a vocal cord.  

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