Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Excess creatine in the urine. An excess of the nitrogenous compound creatine in the urine.
Creatinine clearance
Removal of creatinine from the blood by the kidneys. A test for renal function which measures the degree to which creatinine is cleared from the blood. A method of assessing the function of the kidney by comparing the amount of creatinine — a product of body metabolism which is normally excreted by the kidneys —…
Creatine phosphate
A store of energy-giving phosphate in muscles. A high-energy compound in muscle which has a higher phosphate group transfer potential than ATP. It acts as a reservoir for phosphate so that the muscle can maintain a steady level of ATP to support muscle contraction. It also serves this function in nerve so that a steady…
Thinness of the bones in the occipital region of a child’s skull, caused by rickets, marasmus or syphilis. In infancy, an abnormal softening of the skull bones. Those in the occipital region become almost paper thin. This condition may be the result of marasmus, rickets, or syphilis.
The early closing of the bones in a baby’s skull, so making the skull contract. A condition involving premature closing or absence of joints, or sutures, in the skull; a baby with this condition is born without fontanelles, or spaces between the plates of the skull to allow for growth. Causes of the disorder are…
A tumour in the brain originating in the hypophyseal duct. A slow-growing, calcified, cystic tumor of the brain that is usually benign (not cancerous), develops near the pituitary gland, and usually affects children or older adults. A craniopharyngioma may be associated with increased pressure within the cranium. The tumor usually develops in the pituitary stalk…
The process of measuring skulls to find differences in size and shape. The science of measuring the differences in size and shape of skulls. The measurements are usually taken from a lateral X-ray of the head. A line is drawn from the top of the canal of the outer ear the floor of the orbit,…
Cranial cavity
A space inside the bones of the cranium, in which the brain-is situated. The cavity of the skull, which contains the brain. The entire area inside the skull that accommodates the brain and its surrounding membranes.
A metal frame put over a person in bed to keep the weight of the bedclothes off the body. A framework of metal strips or other material that forms a cage over an injured part of the body of a patient lying in bed, to protect it from the pressure of the bedclothes. A cage…
Cracked lip
A lip where the skin has split because of cold or dryness.
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