Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
The fact of being sensitive to cold.
A strong support for someone with an injured leg, formed of a stick with a T-bar which fits under the armpit, especially formerly, or a holding bar and elbow clasp. Wooden or metal staff, usually reaching from the ground almost to the armpit, used as an aid in walking (e.g., with a broken leg). A…
Crus of penis
A part of a corpus cavernosum attached to the pubic arch.
Crush syndrome
A condition in which a limb has been crushed, as in an accident, causing kidney failure and shock. The consequence of prolonged continuous pressure on the limbs, which decreases the blood supply to skeletal muscles and may damage muscle tissue. The damaged muscle can release breakdown products such as myoglobin into the bloodstream, which can…
Crush fracture
A fracture by compression of the bone.
Crus cerebri
Each of the nerve tracts between the cerebrum and the medulla oblongata. Either of the two peduncles connecting the cerebrum with the pons.
A long projecting part. Crura, leg from the knee to the foot. An elongated process of part of a structure. The crus cerebri is one of two symmetrical nerve tracts situates between the medulla oblongata and the cerebral hemispheres.
Crura of the diaphragm
The long muscle fibres joining the diaphragm to the lumbar vertebrae. Two pillars connecting the spinal column and diaphragm.
Referring to the thigh, leg or shin. Crural means something connected with the leg.
Crude death rate
The number of deaths in a year, divided by the total population.
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