Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Decrudescence

    A reduction in the symptoms of a disease. Lessening of the severity of symptoms. A decrease in the severity of disease symptoms.  

  • Decongest

    To loosen or disperse mucus in the nasal passages, sinuses or bronchi.  

  • Decompression

    Reduction of pressure. A controlled reduction of atmospheric pressure which occurs as a diver returns to the surface. The reduction of pressure on an organ or part of the body by surgical intervention. Surgical decompression can be effected at many sites: the pressure of tissues on a nerve may be relieved by incision; raised pressure…

  • Decomposition

    The process where dead matter is rotted by the action of bacteria or fungi. Normal decay process of dead tissue. In plants, this is often referred to as rotting. The formal term for human and animal tissue is putrefication. The gradual disintegration of dead organic matter, usually foodstuffs or tissues, by the chemical action of…

  • Decimetre

    A unit of measurement of length equal to one tenth of a metre.  

  • Decilitre

    A unit of measurement of liquid equal to one tenth of a litre.  

  • Deciduous dentition

    The set of twenty teeth which are gradually replaced by the permanent teeth as a child grows older.  

  • Deciduoma

    A mass of decidual tissue remaining in the uterus after birth. Tumor of the uterus consisting of decidual tissue; may be benign or malignant. A mass of tissue within the womb derived from remnants of decidua.  

  • Decidual

    Referring to the decidua.  

  • Decapsulation

    A surgical operation to remove a capsule from an organ, especially from a kidney. The surgical removal of a capsule from an organ; for example, the stripping of the membrane that envelops the kidney. Surgical removal of an organ’s outer layer, particularly in a non-functioning kidney, with the aim of stimulating it to produce urine.…

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